How to set up Google Search Console

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  • Go to Google Search Console.  
  • First you will need to log in. If you have Google Analytics, log in using the same details as you use to access your Analytics account. Alternatively you can log in with a Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, you will have to create one before you can continue.
  • Once you have successfully logged in, click the “Add A Property” button at the top of the page.
  • Enter the URL of your website, then click continue.
  • Next you’ll be asked to verify that you own the website in one of four ways:
  1. If you have access to the root of your website you can upload a html file.
  2. If you manage your hosting yourself, you can verify via your hosting provider.
  3. If you use Google Tag Manager, you can verify via Google Tags.
  4. Or, by far the quickest and easiest method, verify ownership via your Google Analytics Tracking ID.
  • If you already have a Google Analytics Tracking ID installed, and we would highly recommend that you do, then setting up Google Search Console is very easy. Simply click the Verify button, and that’s it!
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